Help Your Kids Learn To Enjoy Their Quiet Times with Jesus
Quiet Times
We’re talking the actual nuts-and-bolts of how to do a quiet time:
How can you read the Bible without getting bored?
How can you pray without your mind wandering?
When should you do your quiet time?
How can you avoid distractions from all your electronic devices during this time?
And many more.

Videos and Activities Your Kids and Leaders Will LOVE!
Each lesson in Spyence Mission #1 alternates between teacher-led activities and the following 5 video segments:
1) The “Status Update” Video reviews last week’s material and introduces today’s main point.
2) The “Spyence Briefing” Video shares the main Bible point and then Secret Agent K reinforces it with an object lesson from the Spyence Lab.
3) The “Memory Verse” Video uses fun motions to teach the verse and give students a chance to stretch their legs at the same time.
4) The “Spyence Vs. Evil Robots Review Quiz” Video reviews the lesson while the Shark-Rat Super-Sisters protect the Spyence Lab from Evil Robots.
5) The “Good News Worship-Intro” Video shares the Gospel in a creative way and gets your students ready to praise God during your worship time. (You can show this video first if you do worship before the lesson.)
Want to check out a video and a complete teacher’s guide? Fill out this form and click the button for instant access.
What KidMin Leaders Are Saying
Spyence! A super fun, interactive video-based curriculum that helps kids learn how to study and apply the Bible to their lives!

Karl Bastian
Founder of Kidology, ToyBox Tales, and
I love how Spyence communicates the gospel and the glory of God. The artwork, graphics and quality of the teaching videos are top-notch. I love the innovative use of a Disney-channel-style show, with the characters wrestling with deep Biblical truths. The whole program is beautifully organized and extremely easy to use. Kidmin leaders, teachers, small-group leaders, and families will LOVE this program! All together, Spyence is a formula for spiritual growth in your kids. Please, give it a try!

Josh Denhart
Founder of Lead Volunteers, Science VBS, & The Amazing Chemistry Show
It’s amazing to see the quality of curriculum that includes substantial resources for the teacher, students, small groups and parents for such an affordable cost. Learning Bible truths, keeping kids engaged and coming back, and providing resources for at home follow up is something that I look for in a curriculum. Spyence even exceeds these expectations for me! Why haven’t you started using Spyence yet?

Louie Schmitz
Camp Ministry Director for
Base Sports / Youth Missions International
SIX EPISODES (FOR 6 CLASS PERIODS): The videos introduce each part of the lesson and make it fun for the kids and the teachers.
TEACHER’S GUIDE: A complete lesson plan for each episode makes teaching easy. It includes a script, activities, tips, discussion topics, and more. It’s flexible for teachers to modify to fit their style. It’s focused on Biblical application and life-transformation, and hits every learning style.
SMALL-GROUP QUESTIONS: Small-group leaders are given suggested questions to use to help their kids process the teaching.
OPENING ACTIVITY: Each lesson includes an idea for a fun activity to capture attention and build rapport among the students, and then uses the game as a lead-in to the lesson.
HANDS-ON ACTIVITY: Kids engage all five senses as they try the hands-on “spyence” experiment that demonstrates the lesson’s key idea.
MEMORY VERSE ACTIVITY: Each lesson includes memorization activities to help students hide God’s Word in their heart, in a fun, active way.
The Storyline
Tom, a student in Miss Emily’s Sunday School class, wants to start having “quiet time alone with God.”
But when he tries to read his Bible, he gets bored. When he tries to pray, his mind wanders. He’s about to give up on the whole idea, but first, he reaches out to Spyence Headquarters.
Can this mysterious organization help? What do spying and science have to do with reading the Bible and praying?
How can Captain Curt, Bob the Dragon, Secret Agent K, and the Shark-Rat Super-Sisters help Tom get to know God better?
There’s only one way to find out and solve this mystery: Bring this exciting new Children’s Church Curriculum to your Children’s Church, Sunday School, or AWANA.
Main Point: Focus on God for a few moments each day.
Memory Verse: Psalm 46:1a, 10a “God is our place of safety. He gives us strength…[so] Be still, and know that I am God.”
Discussion Topics: When would be a good time for you to spend a few moments with God each day? What would be a good distraction-free place for you to focus on God?
Main Point: Talk to God like you would talk to a good friend.
Memory Verse: Exodus 33:11 “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face like one would speak to a friend.”
Discussion Topics: What do you like to talk to your best friends about? Remembering that God wants us to talk to Him like a good friend, what kinds of things could you talk to God about?
Main Point: Read a Bible that’s at the right reading level for you.
Memory Verse: Matthew 4:4 “Jesus answered, “It is written, ‘Man must not live only on bread. He must also live on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”
Discussion Topics: Do you have a Bible that’s appropriate for your reading level? If you don’t enjoy reading, what could you do to make reading the Bible more enjoyable?
Main Point: You can keep talking to God all day long.
Memory Verse: Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything. No matter what happens, tell God about everything. Ask and pray, and give thanks to him.”
Discussion Topics: What kinds of things do you worry about? Do you think God cares about those things and really wants to help you with them?
Main Point: Get to know God better every single day.
Memory Verse: James 4:8a “Come near to God, and he will come near to you.”
Discussion Topics: Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met? Have you ever thought about Jesus as the most interesting person in the universe? What do you think makes Him so fascinating?
Main Point: Review the main point from episodes 1-6.
Memory Verse: Mark 1:35 “It was very early in the morning and still dark. Jesus got up and left the house. He went to a place where he could be alone. There he prayed.”
Discussion Topics: Do you have any questions about reading the Bible at home? Do you have any questions about talking to God on your own?
We are so excited for the new videos. My kids never finish watching any other Sunday school videos, but yours. They were so focused and look forward to the next ones.
I came across Spyence when searching for a kids sermon! My 7-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son love it! They even danced along to the dance party at the end!
My kids are playing Spyence Mission X, coming back to me for missions and I’m sending them out to make rescues. They’re recalling so many details from the show after only watching through the series one time. It’s really impressive!